April 18, 2016

Donald Trump 'is an irrational type': Chinese finance minister

GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump (Image from Internet)

Washington (IINA) – Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei called Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump an “irrational type”, following the latter's advocacy to imposing up to 45 percent tariffs on China as a way to force it to change its trade policies.
Lou said the U.S. “wouldn’t be entitled to world leadership” if it followed Trump’s proposed trade policies toward China.
The Chinese minister said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal that such a tariff would violate World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Under those conditions, he said, the U.S. would not be entitled to its position as the world’s major power.
In a statement from his campaign, Trump charged that China was “in total violation of WTO regulations” and that the U.S. “has incompetently allowed them to get away with this” and has failed to impose “equal or greater taxes and tariffs” on China. If he is elected president, Trump said, China “will learn to deal fairly and justly or we will not deal at all” with Beijing.
Lou said Americans needed to recognize the U.S. and China “are mutually dependent on each other” and both have a lot to lose in any economic confrontation. “Our economic cycles are intertwined,” he said. “We have more in common than sets us apart.”

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