March 17, 2016

Trump's foreign policy ideas have made us less safe, says Former CIA chief

Former CIA and NSA Director Michael Hayden speaking at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken. Image from New Jersey news

Hoboken City, New Jersey (IINA) - The former American Director of both the National Security Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency Michael Hayden took several jabs at Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, and his foreign policy positions on Wednesday, saying the rhetoric during the primaries is compromising Americans' safety, New Jersey Local News reported.
When asked about the policies that have been discussed in the Republican debates before a scheduled talk at Stevens Institute of Technology, Hayden, a retired U.S. Air Force four-star general, called them "detrimental."
"It's made us less safe already," he said, referencing to Trump's position that Muslim immigrants would not be let in the country if he were elected.
"That reinforces their narrative," that Islam and America are at odds, he said. "That's already made us less safe."
Hayden, who has made headlines recently thanks to his new book detailing life in the CIA and for asserting that the military would not carry out illegal orders from the president, once again alluding to Trump.
The real estate tycoon has said that he would seek to have the laws "broadened" so as to allow torture techniques like waterboarding when fighting terrorism.
Though Hayden has spent much time recently publicly disagreeing with the Republican frontrunner's policies – which he called "not all that well thought out" – he did say Wednesday that he is not on board with the country's current tactics on fighting terrorism, either.
"(We are) being light in our response to terrorism right now," he said. "I think we ought to be tougher."
Throughout his tenure, Hayden oversaw several controversial policies, including the NSA's warrantless wiretapping of Americans' overseas phone calls.

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